I miss the Tribunal from League of Legends

Years ago, Riot created the Tribunal in League of Legends to help police the community and to ban troublemakers from the game. Eventually Riot retired the Tribunal but it provided great entertainment and justice while it lasted. For example, every so often a player would come to the official League of Legends forums and cry about being unjustifiably banned. Usually, their argument is "I was banned but I didn't do anything, why didn't Riot give me any explanation?"

Well, below is one such example of where Riot did provide an explanation. Here, the thread's author complains about being banned without any explanation and tries to draw support from the community.

Now comes the awesome part - Pendragon (at the time the Director of Community Relation for Riot) responds with a word cloud containing the most common words people used in their reports to describe the thread's author.

Yeah, over 160 reports - the OP is definitely innocent.
No surprise that "troll" is the most common word.
I'm not aware of any other competitive games that have a system like the Tribunal. Hopefully something similar is developed soon so we can have more epic moments like this.

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